Developer Art and the Future

So after over a month a new update has emerged. I've been feeling kinda down and out recently due to a bunch of different things, but I finally managed to scrape up the motivation to work on this game some more.

Sprites and Animations

So one of the first things you'll probably notice is that there's been some new sprites and animations injected in to the game. Most of these new sprites are squares with a tiny arrow on them. Eventually these will be replaced with more cohesive art (as will the entire game), but for now please accept the developer art so you know that you're  walking diagonally.

In addition to the developer art there's been a couple of new animations added including a hurt animation (currently the exact same for all creatures) and sleeping animation. Theoretically as we progress through development because I've set up all these animations I should be able to just slot in the new artwork without having to re-setup the transitions.


You'll also notice that there's a blue room with four items in it. These are shop items, which means gold has a purpose as well now! As always things are subject to change, so that means that the item prices may be different next time I update.

There is also a separate shop pool that will be updated as the game updates. Currently it's a semi-consistent way of acquiring weapons. food, and healing.

Behind the Scenes

The player and enemies have now been consolidated to being known as entities. This shouldn't have any major effects that are noticeable (so if you find anything let me know). Biggest reason i bring up this change is that it may affect things and I want them pointed out if you can feel anything different. Otherwise it technically opens up the door to changing player controlled characters and makes things more simple when adding in new players/enemies later down the line.

The Future of the Game

Hopefully I'll be able to keep up the motivation as I've got consistent work schedule once again . I'll be trying get at least a small update every month, up next probably I'll probably be trying to make the art more cohesive... we'll see, my artistic skills are lacking overall.

I've also made the Github that I've been using for version control public in case anyone wants to look at the god awful code or cluttered project files. I'm open to all input or suggestions as I know my structuring of things isn't quite industry standard. Link -

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